Monday, December 22, 2014

12/11/14 Progress Report

 So far we have brainstormed multiple designs for the container.  Originally we were thinking of a cube-shaped box, however we realized such a container might not be the most practical for transporting paper. As of now we are sticking with a cylindrical shaped container where we can roll up papers without needing to fold and wrinkle them.  Although we have not yet received exact dimensions of the body of the drone, we were able to estimate them with measurements we do have.  Using these, we now can now get a better scene of size and have also begun to model the container on Sketchup.

Problems Solved:
After realizing that the top of the drone have ventilations, we needed to figure out a way to situate the container so that they would not be blocked. This week we solved the problem and decided to add stilts that will lift the cylindrical container up above the ventilations.  

Lessons learned:
One lesson we learned was that always think one step ahead.  We should have emailed the company and asked for specific questions such as the dimensions for the body so that what we are creating can be more precise.

One problem we now face is how we will attach the stilts to the body of the drone.  During our group presentation, we received many helpful suggestions on how we can go about this.  Some suggestions include attached the silts to the USB port or the four screws (shown in the diagram below).  Another problem is that we still do not know have the drone so once we print out the container we cannot fully test it out. 

Our plan for the next week is to print out our container and figure out a way we can attach the stilts to the drone.  In addition, we hope that our correspondence will get back to us with the papers so that we can get the drone.

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