Monday, October 27, 2014

Progress Report

Patent Research
Tasks Accomplished: This week we continued our research on Patents and through the USPTO we managed to find many new patents that related to our main project. We also did a powerpoint explaining in depth some of the more important patents we found, we explained ways in which what we researched could be implemented into our drone delivery system. This patent research took us longer than we expected but it has helped in opening our eyes to different ideas we could implement. Things such as a main base in various rooms that guides the drone rather than having the drone sense on it own. With our environment being controlled there is no need to have sensors on the drone, a simple mother base could navigate it through the already mapped out hallways. The patents our group members focused on were:
Gui: Containers/Receptacles
Vasil: Delivery/Design & functions of drone 
Arianna: Flying vehicles/robots
Ben: Ornamental design to drone
Sebastian: Batteries (rechargeable)/Navigation 

Problems Solved: 
We were successful in dividing the research and finishing up finding all the patents we could. We also managed to get in our powerpoint on time and present to the whole class. 

Lessons Learned: 
This week, we strengthened our skills/knowledge in patent research and research in general. We were also able to find new ideas/concepts we could integrate into our final design. 

New Ideas: For now like last week, our project idea remains mostly untouched. We are pretty set with what we wanna do and one of our biggest worries at this moment is finding the right drone. However, one idea I did find intriguing was the fact we could have stations in each room to navigate the drone instead of having the drone navigate itself. 

We didn’t encounter any big problem this week as we still focused on the patent research and the group was actually able to gain control of more patents. We solved our problem of last week with the lack of patents. 

Our plan now is to hopefully move on from the patent research and begin more in-depth research pertaining to the overall construction of our drone and all the coding. We are still pretty unsure where we want to start with this project so it is up to us to stay on track and follow our diagrams. However like I said as far as patent research we should be done.

1 comment:

  1. You should start the high-level design of your system ASAP, and come up and evaluate a few feasible solutions.
    1) You can have sensors in the hall way to monitor the drone and the traffic such that drone can be directed to fly to its destination.
    2) Which types of sensors is best suitable for this application? You may need to do some research on existing systems.
    3) What types of algorithms are suitable for this application?
    4) Are you allowing multiple drones to navigate at the same time in the same hallway?
