Wednesday, October 1, 2014

We haven’t had much time in the classroom since the last class however we tweaked our drone design because we found out that our prior idea was already thought of.  
The problems that we encountered were:
  1. our project has already been done by Amazon and other companies.
  2. thinking of a new topic for our project
  3. changing our project from a drone delivery system to a first aid kit drone.
Our plan is to design our own first aid kit and attach it to the drone so that it can be delivered to a person in need. We need to research different types of first aid kits and how to make the drone do what we want it to do. We also must make a project map for the future, and include all relevant steps in the map. We are also going to individually assign each person tasks that we believe would best suit them.

1 comment:

  1. 1) The first aid kit probably should not be the focus, since it's just the payload. If you have a drone delivery system, you can delivery anything within the size and weight limit.
    2) Doing in-depth survey is probably the most urgent task your group should do.
    3) Task assignment should be weekly-based for each individual.
